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On January 11, we knew the names of the four winners of the #HappyNewLight giveaway. An initiative carried out entirely on Instagram by MINIM, bulthaup Barcelona, bulthaup claudio coello and MAT Barcelona, to wish a bright 2021 to all our followers.
The program "Essentials" of La 2 (TVE) broadcast the documentary "Remembering Coderch", on January 17 2021. Produced by MINIM and directed by Poldo Pomés, the documentary was part of the 2014 tribute that MINIM paid to José Antonio Coderch on the 101st anniversary of his birth.
Tribute to Coderch on the 100th anniversary of his birth From November 27, 2014 to January 30, 2015 at MINIM Barcelona (Via Augusta, 185) · Extended until March 31, 2015. With "The Heritage of Coderch", MINIM wanted to pay tribute to the figure of José Antonio Coderch of Sentmenat on the occasion of