MINIM Art Madrid successfully inaugurates “Motion of Matter” by Julia Oschatz

MINIM Art Madrid successfully inaugurates “Motion of Matter” by Julia Oschatz

On February 25, MINIM Madrid celebrated the inaguration of the first exhibition that the Berlin artist - Julia Oschatz - held in Madrid.

The reception by the attendees was very positive. The three-dimensional artworks that have been installed in the showroom took all the attention - a chair, an hourglass and a can of gasoline-, along with the video art pieces that are projected on screens (courtesy of Sony) which have been inserted in their cardboard structure.

The event was joined by various artist, journalist and professionals on this sector. Among them, Teresa Moro, the artist who signed the first exhibition held within our MINIM Art project, and Candela Cort, with whom we will have the privilige of holding an event in May

After visiting the exhibition, all the attending people had the oppotunity to talk with Julia and learn more details about her work, since the artist accompanied the guests during the event and the subsequent cocktail.

The opinion was unanimous: Julia Oschatz's work has a special power, capable of reflecting that power machines exert over us and the love-hate relationship we establish with them.


MINIM ART #02: "Motion of Matter" by Julia Oschatz

From February 25th to April 4th.

At MINIM Madrid (Paseo de la Castellana, 92)


Can of gasoline and paints by Julia Oschatz at Minim Art showroom
MINIM Madrid shoowroom window
Giant chair by Julia Oschatz
Hourglass created by the artist Julia Oschatz
"Motion of Matter" paintwork in black and white by Julia Oschatz
Black and white drawings on paper by Julia Oschatz
Fuel can with integrated paint by Julia Oschatz
Guests at Julia Oschatz's art event discovering her work
Guests wathing one of the artistic videos integrated into the work of Julia Oschatz
Attendees to the exhinition opening
Guest taking photo of Julia Oschatz's video art
Presentation speech of the art exhibition at MINIM Madrid
Presentation speech by the MINIM Madrid Staff
Part of the MINIM Madrid showroom team
Artist Julia Oschatz with her husband
Guests enjoying the event