Tribute to Coderch in pictures

Tribute to Coderch in pictures

In 2014, MINIM paid a tribute to Jose Antonio Coderch of Sentmenat on the 101st anniversary of his birth.

The tribute included the exhibition "The Heritage of Coderch", the recreation of a typical Coderch interior with personal objects handed over by the family, the large scale reproduction of the Disa lamp and the documentary film "Remembering Coderch", which offered A choral portrait about the architect.

The exhibition was the result of an investigation into the work and life of the architect, which lasted almost two years and culminated in the recovery of "La Herencia", a project that Coderch dedicated much of his time in the last years of his Life and considered his heritage as an architect.

The documentary, projected during the exhibition, showed the brilliant architect with all its contradictions, through the testimony of those who knew him. Among them, prominent figures such as Josep Maria Ballarín, Oriol Bohigas, Federico Correa, Carlos Ferrater, Joan Margarit, Rafael Moneo, Oscar Tusquets and Jordi Viola.


Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)
Homenaje a Coderch en MINIM Barcelona (exposición y documental)